It's good to see you here !
My name is Lucian Iernye,
I'm a junior software developer.

My Work

Lucian Iernye

- Degree in Computer Science

- A very passionate junior software developer

I am an enthusiastic, responsible and a very passionate junior software developer pursuing a career in software development, currently working mostly in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and front-end programming but eager to learn other languages and experience more server-side programming. I love to learn, be challenged and solve problems. I am able to work well both in a team environment as well as using my own initiative, also to work under pressure and adhere to strict deadlines.

About me

Hello, I'm Lucian, a junior software developer at _Nology Bristol, January intake.

I am very passionate about computer technology and I have a strong desire to learn more and to develop great stuff.

My Projects


Vojo - Personalised Diet Plans.

Tech used : React, JavaScript, Firebase (NoSQL database, authentication, hosting).

Movie database

Movie database.

Tech used : HTML, CSS, React, JavaScript, Fetching data from an API.

Basic Todo Web Application

ToDO Web App.

Tech used : HTML, CSS, React, Bootstrap, NoSQL database CRUD operations.

JavaScript Weather Web App

Weather Web App.

Tech used : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Fetching API.

Library web application

E-commerce library.

Tech used : HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL database and CRUD Operations.

Nology Music Player

Nology Music Player

Tech used : HTML audio API, CSS, Javascript.

Javascript Morse code application

Morse code translator

Tech used : HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Javascript Space Invaders Application

Space Invaders - Mini web game

Tech used : HTML, CSS, Javascript.

JavaScript Calculator Application


Tech used : HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Snake web game

Snake Web Game.

Tech used : HTML canvas, CSS, JavaScript.



_Nology Bristol - January Intake
Trainee Software Developer

University of Aurel Vlaicu (2008 - 2011), Arad, Romania
Qualification Awarded Licensed In Computer Science


  • HTML/SCSS/JavaScript
  • React.JS Library
  • Jest/Enzyme
  • Git/GitHub
  • Firebase/Auth/NoSQl Database
  • Yarn/NPM
  • Bootstrap
  • @Reach/Router
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Agile Software Development
  • Unit Testing/TDD
  • Basic PHP and MySQL Database